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Vaccinations Specialist

Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics

Aesthetic Medicine Practice & Internal Medicine located in Delray Beach, FL

Many adults regard vaccinations as something that’s important for babies, but not so much for themselves. The truth is that flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccinations are particularly important during adulthood and as you age. At Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics in Delray Beach, Florida, you get vaccinations and all other customized medical care from a team led by board-certified internal medicine physician Peymon Zarreii, MD. Call the office, or click the scheduler to set up your appointment now.

Vaccinations Q & A

What vaccinations do I need as an adult?

Every adult is different, so Dr. Zarreii and his team tailor a vaccination schedule for you. Some general guidelines for each major adult vaccination include:


All adults need a flu vaccination once a year. It’s especially important for older adults because your immune cell function declines as you age. 

There are a few different types of flu vaccinations, and Dr. Zarreii recommends the best one for you based on your age and health. 


All adults 65 and older need a pneumonia vaccine. You may need the vaccine at a younger age — as early as age 19 — if you’re a smoker or have an immunocompromising condition. 

The pneumonia vaccine is usually a one-time shot. But, if you have an immunocompromising condition, you may need repeat vaccinations every five years. 


Adults need a shingles vaccine at age 50 or older. You’ll typically have two vaccinations, spaced a few months apart.

The shingles vaccination is more than 90% effective in preventing shingles and its most common complication, postherpetic neuralgia. 

Vaccinations are, by far, the best way to protect yourself from preventable diseases. Vaccinations take a matter of just a few minutes at Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics, and there’s no downtime afterwards. 

What time of year should I get a flu vaccination?

The best time to get your flu shot is when the virus is starting to appear around your community. Typically, this means scheduling your flu shot in September or October. 

The flu vaccination gives you peak protection for only a few months, so it’s important to have that protection when the flu is at its worst. Vaccinating too early, for example in the month of July, could leave you unnecessarily at-risk for flu in December. 

If you miss your flu shot in September or October, you should still have the vaccination as soon as you can — even in November, December, or January if the flu is still circulating. 

Can vaccinations make me sick?

No, vaccinations don’t make you sick. Some vaccinations may cause short-term side effects, but those effects typically include minor skin reactions like redness, swelling, soreness, or itchiness at the injection site rather than any actual physical illness. 

Need to get caught up on vaccinations? Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics is here for you. Call the office, or use online booking to arrange your visit now.