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Sculptra Specialist

Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics

Aesthetic Medicine Practice & Internal Medicine located in Delray Beach, FL

Around the age of 20, you begin to lose approximately 1% of collagen every year. Over time, that leads to less volume in the skin and an increase in lines and folds. Peymon Zarreii, MD, with Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics in Delray Beach, Florida, uses SculptraⓇ facial filler to boost collagen production and give a more youthful appearance. To learn more about this painless, proven cosmetic procedure, call or click today.

Sculptra Q & A

What is SculptraⓇ?

Collagen is a type of protein found in the body’s connective tissues in our bones, muscles, hair, and skin. It works to support both elastin, which maintains skin shape, and hyaluronic acid, which hydrates the skin.

With age and reduced collagen production, skin begins to lose its elasticity and volume, causing those pesky lines and folds to appear. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable facial filler designed to treat fine lines, folds, and wrinkles.

Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic biocompatible and biodegradable material that is absorbed naturally by the body over time. Sculptra injections stimulate the body to rebuild collagen strands for a softer, more refreshed appearance.

What does Sculptra treatment involve?

Dr. Zarreii finds Sculptra to be highly effective in promoting collagen production in and around:

  • Chin wrinkles
  • Laugh lines
  • Smile lines

Sculptra injections are generally painless and have minimal side effects. Prior to your procedure, Dr. Zarreii discusses your goals for treatment, explains the process, and answers any questions you may have.

Next, he cleans and preps the area to be treated. A topical anesthetic cream is available to reduce any discomfort. From there, he injects the Sculptra solution into the target areas. You will most likely require multiple injections.

Finally, he applies a cold compress to reduce swelling. To ensure great results, Dr. Zarreii asks you to massage the treatment area for a few minutes every day in the first few days after your procedure.

You may experience mild bruising or swelling after Sculptra, but this generally diminishes within a few days. You’re free to resume your regular activities right after you leave the office.

What kind of results does Sculptra offer?

While other types of fillers offer temporary fullness on the skin’s surface, Sculptra works on a deeper level to stimulate collagen production in the dermis layer of the skin, restoring structure and volume for long-term results.

The number of injections and sessions you’ll need depends on how much collagen has been lost. Typically, an average of three sessions scheduled over the course of 3-4 months is recommended. Results are often noticeable immediately and can last as long as two years or more.

As with all cosmetic treatments, individual results will vary. Call or book an appointment online to learn more about Sculptra and other noninvasive procedures to turn back time.