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What's Involved in a Fat Transfer?

What's Involved in a Fat Transfer?

Medical aesthetics advancements mean that you have a variety of ways to solve some of the most common cosmetic issues. Want to smooth wrinkles? You can explore options like Botox®, Sculptra®, and dermal fillers. Want to banish fat cells from problem areas? You can explore treatments like Kybella®, cryolipolysis, and laser-assisted treatments. 

But what if you want to do them at the same time? One solution emerges ahead of the others: fat transfer. 

With this option, Dr. Peymon Zarreii uses liposuction to draw fat from problem areas and move it to replenish volume where you need it, from the wrinkles on your face to the backs of your hands

If you want to address multiple cosmetic goals, don’t hesitate to talk to our Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics team about fat transfer. Before you visit our Delray Beach, Florida office, we can give you an overview of this treatment option. 

Fat transfer 101

Fat transfer means just what it sounds like. Dr. Zarreii takes fat from a problem area — like your thighs or stomach — and moves it to where you could use more volume. Specifically, Dr. Zarreii uses that fat to address the signs of aging, like wrinkles and volume loss. 

The process starts with liposuctioning the fat from the unwelcome area. Most people choose to take the fat from their:

Those fat cells don’t go straight back into your body. Instead, to keep the treatment as safe as possible for you, Dr. Zarreii first purifies them. After we process the fat cells, they’re ready for injection wherever you want.

Most people use them to replenish volume on the face and the backs of the hands, which allows you to address the signs of aging that bother you, like sunken hollows under your eyes or wrinkles on your hands. Dr. Zarreii can also use the fat transfer to add volume where you didn’t have it before (e.g., to give the appearance of higher cheekbones). 

Benefits of fat transfer

Many people choose fat transfer over cosmetic injectables because the results last. It usually takes about six months for the fat cells to develop a new blood supply, but once they do, you can enjoy your results for years. 

Plus, because the fat transfer uses your cells, you have a low risk of complications due to allergies. 

If you want to explore trimming fat from a problem area while adding volume where you need it to fight aging, don’t hesitate to talk to us about fat transfer. You can schedule an appointment today by calling our office or booking your visit online. 

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