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Fat Transfer Stops Your Hands from Betraying Your Age

In 2015, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons touted a new technique to address one of the key signs of aging. It wasn’t a way to tighten facial skin or smooth wrinkles. Instead, it targeted one of the primary places that age: the hands. Fat grafting for the hands, they said, “is a safe and effective method to create a youthful appearance of the dorsum [the back] of the hand.”

When most people make an aesthetics appointment with Peymon Zarreii, MD, and our Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics team, they want to address the signs of aging on their face. But turning back the clock for your face while leaving other aging areas untreated can create imbalanced results. That’s why we offer fat transfer for your hands, helping them stay youthful-looking through the years. 

How fat transfer works

In order to perform a fat transfer, Dr. Zarreii first needs to take a small amount of fat from another portion of your body. If you have any areas of unwanted fat, he can apply his expertise in liposuction to help trim those areas while gathering the fat cells he needs to rejuvenate your hands. 

Usually, people choose to have fat removed from their thighs, buttocks, or abdomen. With liposuction, Dr. Zarreii collects cells for your fat transfer. 

He prepares those cells, then injects them into the backs of your hands. By introducing fat cells into the area, he smooths and plumps the skin on your hands. This helps them look years younger with a quick, safe, minimally invasive treatment. 

The benefits of fat transfer

Many of our patients choose fat transfer instead of other fillers because of a few notable benefits. First, because the fat cells are from your own body, the risk of an adverse reaction is nearly nonexistent. Additionally, the results of a fat transfer can last significantly longer than other fillers. When you choose fat transfer at Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics, we strive to give you results that last for several years. 

What’s more, the entire process is fast, easy, and comfortable. Once your fat cells are prepared after liposuction, the transfer to your hands usually takes just minutes and comes with virtually no downtime. 

If you want to keep the effects of aging off your entire body — not just your face — don’t hesitate to contact our team at Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics today. Feel free to call our office or make your appointment online to explore fat transfer for your hands.

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